Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Swallowed Alive

If I did not have all the diversions I've been giddy about in my past entries, I would probably be swallowed alive by school work and the pains that come with it.

There's a little over a month left before sem break (something I'm totally happy about by the way) and things are starting to... build up? Okay, let's stick with that term. I feel the deadlines of projects looming over my head. I shall use this entry to try to make sense of all of them.

Okay what's due next week...

Monday: Psych Experiment... I have to look for another experiment. This class is wearing me out.
Tuesday: Batang Rizal Reaction Paper
Wednesday: Spanish Activity Lesson 4
Critical Review... I'm doing Letters from Iwo Jima. WOOT! Okay must remove all biases from my system.

Okay that seems doable. As for the long term ones:

Filipino: Storybook
Feature Writing: Revised articles for submission
Infotech: Magazine
Newspaper Practice: Newspaper... okay no word on this one yet but I know we will be making one.

The planning stage has already begun. It's driving me a bit mad. Thinking about the workload drives me mad. But we will eventually have to get around to doing it so might as well dive head first into it.

If I weren't getting decent grades for these stuff I probably would have lost it more. Okay... must work hard... must do my best. Ganbatte! Jeez...

Good luck Journ peeps! May we come out of this unscathed.


Anonymous said...

ang galing! pati blog, extension na rin ng reminder notebook!


Nikki said...

Oo kasi nakakapagisip ako pag ganito... I was sorting out my mind lang. HAHA

Anonymous said...

haay nako. i'm about to do the same thing.

Poli said...

Ang dami palang gagawin! Nyahaha!

Kaya natin yan!

Oreo Buddies said...

Pero parang ang tamad ko halos wala pa ko ginagawa...