Saturday, September 1, 2007


Metrosexual: young straight stylish urban man: a young, straight, sensitive urban man who is unashamed to enjoy good clothes, stylish living, the art of decorating, and improving his personal appearance (informal)

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Apa pointed out a few days ago that I was into metrosexual men. Let's put that into context. We were watching an Arashi clip when they stopped by last Friday or was that Thursday? It always seems to rain when Apa comes over... HAHA

Anyway, we were talking about MatsuJun (Jun Matsumoto). She knows I like the guy. She knows I LOVE Nino... LOL Okay I keep getting sidetracked, this is like me watching Letters From Iwo Jima earlier today and when Ohmiya came up (out of Nino's mouth nonetheless) the fangirl in me couldn't resist but squeal.

As I said, she pointed it out that I was into the metrosexual type. My response to that was something like: "You're right. I'm not really into bad boys..." I like my boys clean. HAHA I'm not really into the whole scruffy thing. I love the sweet, boy-next-door types. Metrosexuals? Probably. I have pictures to support my "type", if that's what we're calling it anyway.

Exhibit A: Jun Matsumoto

Since we were talking about him, MatsuJun might as well be the first one on the list. This guy changes his hair so many times. It's crazy! He rocks it though. I believe he's the epitome of metrosexuality and I still love him for that. Yes, Jun-bait was rather effective wasn't it?!

Exhibit B: Orlando Bloom

I guess you can classify Orli as a metrosexual? Hmm... let me think about that. He's probably the only scruffy guy I like. He's the sexiest scruffy guy I know. HAHA Or I'm just being one hundred percent biased on this. I love the way he dresses. There's something so no nonsense about it. It helps that he's hot though.

Exhibit C: Masaki Aiba

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Now here's the most adorable person I've seen! Yes I want him!!! I have grown an insane crush on Aiba. He's so sexy these days. His silliness works for me. Plus he's looking so fine these days.

Exhibit D: Toma Ikuta

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He reminds me of a bird sometimes (sorry Nikki!) but he sure is fine. Yes people Hana Kimi and Nakatsu fever. Poor guy... Mizuki's going to break his heart, I just know it! Toma's an amazing actor. I admire him a lot for that. He is easy on the eyes which is a definite plus.

Exhibit E: Hiro Mizushima

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At first, I did not want to admit that he looks like MatsuJun. But he does. And he's just as fine. Nanba-senpai rocks!

Exhibit F: Kazunari Ninomiya

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Of course I had to save the best for last. Still reeling from my Iwo Jima experience this morning. Still imagining Nino as a father... aww... look at him trying to look all grown up with some stubble... gaah! Such a cutie! He has the ultimate look of a boy-next-door but has such a sharp and sarcastic tongue that it's well... surprising. Got to love Arashi's emo boy: Nino. He's my ichiban afterall.

I made an exception for Orlando Bloom didn't I? All of these examples are Japanese boys... yes my vocabulary is rather limited when I fangirl. I "stalk" people according to Mae. Well I wouldn't mind stalking any of these guys any day. Jeez... sounds so wrong doesn't it?!

Hmmm... now what was I supposed to be talking about in this post. Got a little err... distracted. Oh right. Metrosexuals... probably. I might really like them. Who cares if they dress a little more flashier than I do. At least they care enough about their looks. I like my guys clean... clean but not conceited. I think Japanese men, especially these idols do have to be rather metrosexual. Jun definitely brought that home with him.

I love this post. It gave me a chance to bask in the beauty of these guys... was I just looking for an excuse to picspam though? That's up to you to figure out.


Anonymous said...

i like mine bad ahahahah its sexy ;)

but then again... i like them clean as well... hmm ill just say i like them all.. i dont discriminate ^^

mag pamilia nga tayo (ahah my attempt at tagalog >,<)

aha loove you

Oreo Buddies said...

hahaha yes we are cousins after all... love you guys and miss you A LOT!

Anonymous said...

Ha, my friends make similar comments like, "You might as well just come out and admit you like girls too if these are the kind of guys you're falling over!" But it's not that they're "feminine"--they're just yummy!! <3 And girl, you've got awesome taste! And I love that comment about Toma-kun reminding you of a bird...I noticed the same thing XD Aww he's yummeh~

arashic said...

nadaan ko po blog nyo..
at pansin ko..

lahat ng mga boys na yan..

naging crush ko!hehehe :D