Friday, August 17, 2007

An Afternoon In Ikemen Paradise

The recipe for a fun afternoon would include:

1. A group of crazy, fun, and insane ladies (huwat!! LOL)
2. Great food (yummy pasta and cheese sticks)
3. Oguri Shun (topless 0.o), Ikuta Toma, and the pretty Kitchie Nadal look-alike (I beg to differ though) Horikita Maki.

Welcome to Ikemen (Hottie) Paradise!

I have introduced a few of my friends to the beauty that is HANAZAKARI NO KIMITACHI E, that's Hana Kimi to you. A Japanese manga that was turned into a Taiwan drama and now it is out as a Japanese drama.

For those reading this at LJ, you probably already know the story and you're way ahead of me because I just finished watching episode 5, another great one I must say, so please bear with this entry. I shall put the synopsis here that I credit do DramaWiki.

"The drama is based on the popular manga of the same name by Nakajo Hisaya, which has already been dramatized in Taiwan. Horikita plays the protagonist Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl in the U.S. who one day sees the young athlete Sano Izumi (Oguri) compete in the high jump on television. She begins to idolize him, and decides to move to Japan to attend the same school as him. However, Izumi goes to an all-boys school, so Mizuki disguises herself as a boy to achieve her dream of being with her idol."

We had a little post-birthday celebration today despite the horrid weather. This has been postponed and today was the last straw. Nikki, Apa, Edree and Ana were able to make it. I knew this was the perfect opportunity to introduce them to this wonderful drama.

Apa's a huge Shun fan. She just had to see this. Nikki, Ana and I think Edree as well fell in love with Nakatsu (Ikuta Toma). Fall in line ladies. I'm the leader of that pack. HAHA

I enjoy watching Japanese dramas that revolved around high school adventures. They have this very unique way of talking about teenage (mis)adventures. It's funny, strange but hilarious nonetheless.

The appeal of Hana Kimi for me is the whole "She's The Man" sort of thing going on. Ashiya's a girl who's roommates with Sano. So Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum! HAHA

I enjoy the fact that the students have no idea that she's a girl. I'm waiting for the big revelation. I wonder how that's going to come about? That would but Nakatsu out of his misery.

Nakatsu's a definite pull factor for me. Toma's hot. He was hot in his short stint in Hana Yori Dango 2 but he looks so much better here. But I really pity the guy. Mizuki got him all confused about his identity. Put him out of his misery already. The "guy" you have feelings for is actually a girl. Don't worry Nakatsu you're HOMO JANAI.

Minami's hot too. Oscar's creepy and hilarious. I just want to hit Hibari with a stick. HAHA Dr. Umeda's so cool! I think Sekime's cute. Their uniform bothers me but they're hot so that's okay. Seriously, blue and purple and it's plaid... I can go on and on about this but I don't want to bore you. Just watch it yourself.

Who do I want Ashiya to end up with? Since she flew all the way from America to be with him it would have to be Sano right? But Nakatsu has stolen my heart as well... poor guy. He should at least be given a chance. I did not answer the question did I? As long as she ends up with one of them then I'll be happy. What if she ends up with Oscar or Minami? HAHA

Oh I almost forgot. I just have to include this, look for lonelyxmee over at deviantart she has this hilarious Nakatsu .gif! This is it:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ja ne!

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