Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Before It Gets Lost Completely: Like Father, Like Daughter

I have no time. People should never say that because all of us have time. It is all a matter of priority. I have been trying to be "practical" and "smart" (not sure about that one) by staying away from some of my online activities. It's hard but I have been doing my best. Although there are some aspects of my online life that I could not really get rid of... you could ask me what those are but they're probably of no interest to you that's why I'm not putting it down.

I'm buried underneath all the school work. I have exams next week and I've been trying to keep my cool about that. I'm taking the time off tonight or should I say I'm giving the nights to myself. I just want the prelims to be over with. Please let it be next Thursday! But wait! I would probably still have exams on the Saturday after that... I just have a little thing on Thursday and Pia's coming over on Friday for... she's knows what we're going to do. She wants the prelims to be over as well.

The topic I'm going to tell you about has been in my mind even before I began this new blog. It started out as this:

"That means you're a wise ass..."

Okay, that quote got buried under too much activity so before it completely flies off my radar, I wrote it down here now.

You would expect to hear that from a close friend who does not give a damn if they hurt your feelings because you know each other too well. Those kinds of conversations and words are natural. You let those slide. You would not expect those words from a parent now would you?

Those were the words of my father from a conversation I can't even remember now. It has escaped me... 0h well. The main focus of this entry is my unconventional father. He's quite a character.

How many girls would be called wise asses by their own dad? Okay we were kidding around that time but I know for a fact that there are a few dad's like that.

And I have begun to realize how similar I am with my father. The hearty apetite, the potty mouth (okay his is MUCH MORE dirty than mine), the perspective (okay he influences me a lot with regard to this one), the bourgeoisie tendencies, the talkativeness... let's just say that I look up to my father and I'm discovering how much of myself was taken from him.

It's fun to grow up in a household where your father is sometimes more childish than you. He has a very childish sense of humor sometimes that it can actually drive anyone insane. How many children can say that their father out of whim answered the phone and said: "HALLER"? It was a good thing that Pia was on the other line and when he handed the phone to me both of them were laughing so hard.

He doesn't care what other people say or think about him. My dad remains the same opinionated and loud person that he is. He's so comfortable in his own skin. He's one of the smartest if not the smartest person I know. It's such a daddy's girl post this one. I can't help it. I love my dad. He's insane but I love him nonetheless.


cel said...

hi nikki, sorry its been awhile since i visited your blog... =D

Nikki said...

hi cel! how have you been?