Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Writer's Conundrum

I am a writer. I don't know how good I actually am. I just acknowledge that I am one. I play with words. I try to construct coherent sentences and works from ideas that flee faster than a man who tries to get away from the husband of the woman he was having an affair with. Okay long analogy...

As I was saying... I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. It is a passion I feverishly pursued. I figured that since I enjoyed doing it I might as well try to make a living out of it. How hard could it be? An old mentor told us that we had to choose jobs we enjoyed so we did not have to work a day in our life. Honestly, how hard could it be?

Journalism and the whole college experience became a rude awakening of some sort. I still love what I do. I enjoy the course because I actually get what we're doing and talking about, although the application falls short occasionally.

The deadlines have never been my best friend. They hunt me down until I'm forced to write a mediocre piece because procrastination decided to accompany me as well. It's a lethal combination. Procrastination and deadlines... they're a nightmare.

Just recently we were faced with a seemingly impossible but at the same time doable task. For a veteran it would probably be a piece of cake but for newbies like us it was a horrible dream we wanted to run away from.

We were asked to write a news article on three press statements issued by the President Arroyo but we had to research and write the article in a span of three hours (our class period).

What made this horrid was the fact that our class was six to nine in the evening on a Saturday. That would mean that:

1. We had to hurry to the library to try to use the "free internet" before the library closed at seven.
2. We had to transfer to an internet cafe after that.
3. I had only 50 pesos with me. Good thing the printing and computer rental only cost me 24 pesos.
4. We had to come up with a decent piece in that short span of time because he tore our last one to shreds.

Nightmare is the only word to describe it. A friend of mine finished her story in less than 30 minutes. Don't ask me how she did it. I have no idea.

That was a horrendous experience but I know those deadlines come with the job. I can't help but ask what I got myself into...

I'm a writer. I love it with my heart and soul. It is fulfilling but seriously what did I get myself into?!


Anonymous said...

It's actually good that they're making you do that. That's character building, you get to learn to cope with deadlines, pressure, stress.

Deadlines + procrastination = every student's nightmare. Ask the programming student who handed in a program light years from his caliber. Ask the artist who submitted painfully mediocre works to an exhibit.

So you're not alone. :P We're all trying to cope. :)

Nikki said...

HAHA Thanks Kxia! Everyone has a little piece of that problem in them.

Anonymous said...

iactually found it cute that everyone's was making quips like "starting to doubt the course you wrote in the First Preference line?" when we scattered like marbles that night to do our stuff.. kxa already hit the bull's eye with that "you're not alone" thing though..

btw, aren't you putting up a new chatbox?

this is cute miss P:

hekehk.. you should try too.. damn geeks keep spoiling the fun with all those makes-sense-GUESSES of theirs..

Anonymous said...

wtf at my grammar.. anyway, im flooding, terribly sorry, but this just took my lungs away:

Nikki said...

Scattered like marbles... cute analogy LOL

I haven't found the time to put one up... or I'm just being lazy...

I'll check those out later... I don't like reading those theories... HAHA they do spoil the fun!

Anonymous said...

hell, my friend. ahehe. XD

kami nga.. T_________T nakasakay na si sir sa taxi when we were just approaching tan yan kee.. huhu!


Nikki said...

Pano yun?

Poli said...

I agree. I think this would be a good practice for us.

When I we were in first year, I too, was having some doubts with this course. But I'm starting to love it now. Well, I have to, since we've already spent too much money to back out.

Yeah, put a chat box!

Poli said...

Sosyal "When I were..." Hahaha!

Nikki said...

Yes Poli ang mga grammar gods e magagalit sayo... HAHA

Sige sige mamayang gabi maglalagay na ko chatbox... alam ko copy paste lang siya pero tinatamad ako... HAHA