Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dreams And Scribbles: A New Beginning Indeed

Out of a whim I made this new blog and I started thinking of a new blog name. I came up with this:

Welcome to Dreams And Scribbles!

Origin of the blog name:
Part Arashi inspired (ARASHI for dream!), part dreamer tendency (yes, I'm an idealist), and part divine intervention (I think God wanted me to name this blog this way).

Reason for the blog name:
I needed to find a name that would encapsulate my indulgence in random musings, hopes, frustrations, and ideas. A place for Scribbling Dreams, that was what I needed.

I wanted a new beginning for some reason. Life gave me one. I can't argue or change any part of it. This blog is part of that irreversible change.

Too bad it had to include my hard disk...

My hard disk crashed this morning. I was so devastated. It was such a big blow to my lazy nature. I kept putting off the archiving of the files that already fit in one DVD and then this happened.

I lost my bookmarks and links for downloads, a bunch of Arashi downloads that I now have to look for again, a few school files that I luckily submitted already, mp3s, Yamada Taro and Bambino episodes I just downloaded, personal pictures (lost the Intramuros pictures!) and a bunch of other files.

I was floating through my morning. My mp3 player and Mae's ElleGirl diverted my attention from the mishap. But the words "IT DIED" were resonating in my head all day.

Life gave me the new beginning but it served a harsh curve ball as well. It was not wasted on me though. I learned my lesson. Now with a "new" PC and new blog, I shall forge a new path in real life and in my online life as well.


Poli said...

New blog! First comment!

Congratulations on your scholarship!

Condolence to your hard disk! Hehe!

Advanced Happy Birthday!

Nikki said...

Salamat Poli!

Oo ikaw ang first ever comment.

I'm trying to move on with the hard disk thing... LOL

Lapit na din birthday mo!

The Rain Sprite said...

hiyes! new blog!

at.. alam ko rin ang nararamdaman mo na tungkol sa kaungasan ng hard disk mo.. huhu.. lam mo bang 3x nangyari ang ganyan sa pc ko? huuu! all my anime mp3s... gone!

anyway.. kaya mo yan. ^^

Unknown said...

Whee. :P Found this... in Multiply I think.

It always sucks when your hard disk just inexplicably dies on you. Have you tried using file recovery tools like Handy Recovery, etc? There's like a myriad of file and data recovery tools available with just one Google search that could possibly be of help. I once encountered a recovery tool that could recover deleted files (even when you've emptied the recycle bin). Just a suggestion.

Also, try defragmenting your hard disk frequently, like every few weeks or so.

Anyway, I'll stop blabbering and say congratulations on the move. I'll link you now. :P

-Keshia (

Nikki said...

Thanks Kxia and Paula!

I will have both your links up soon... still tweaking this thing... : D