Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's Almost Over

Technically we still have two projects to pass before the semester is over but at the moment I have nothing to do. I'm already in vacation mode.

You see... the magazine project we're supposed to submit on Saturday for our Information Technology in the Newsroom class is set for printing today. As for the newspaper for our Newspaper Practice and Management class, I'm waiting for Karla to finish the layout then we're going to have that printed.I got home awhile ago from submitting the Filipino storybook. That's one more thing done.

I have to start cleaning now. And I realized how many papers I have accumulated over the semester. This has been one HELL of a semester. The emphasis is on the HELL part. I have no idea how I managed to come out of it alive and kicking.

I have been waiting for this really. A vacation... one that I'm going to spend on... *cough*fangirling*cough* well... I should come up with "projects" to do. Maybe I should finally learn Japanese ne?

I have to clean first... everything. I cannot believe its almost over. And with no school work left to do I'm actually at a loss... such a fickle person I know. But I'm not complaining. I'm just surprised because finally it's here. What I've been waiting for all these months is here already.

As for projects...

Well I should continue trying to learn the ropes of a couple of things:

1. Photoshop CS3
2. In Design
3. Pagemaker (for old time's sake)

I should... finally begin my Japanese lessons. Yes, I'm going to learn it on my own. Let's see how "smart" I really am. HA! I should continue trying to learn my Spanish as well... hmmm...

Of course... the best thing about this is. Yes I can fangirl freely now without the guilt! YATTA! HAHA No more school to boggle me down.

I just love sem breaks.


Poli said...

I want to learn Japanese too! I self-studied Japanese when I was in Grade 6 and I think it's easier than Spanish. I think it would be easier for you as well since you love Japanese and their Hehe.

I want to learn Japanese because I want to watch those animes in their pure form.

Nikki said...

Japanese and their men... LOL

Yes... although I'm particular with one group... XD

Anyway, yes I would actually want to watch dramas and variety shows in all their Japanese glory and humor. Why don't we try to study them now?

Anonymous said...

YOU. HAVE. CS3. O___O!!!! T__T



Nikki said...

Sure... pano ko naman mabibigay sayo?


Anonymous said...

ahm.. ahm..

uh.. text text! lol XD


Nikki said...


Tignan natin. :)