Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bugged PCs and Fangirl Afternoons

My PC got the stupid Yahoo Messenger worm. The one that sends incoherent stuff to other people on your messenger list. That's it. I'm through using YM. Thank God MSN Messenger let's me access my contacts. You people would get to see me with that. I do not want to reformat my PC again after this.

It is a good and sunny day today though. Perfect day for relaxing. I'll just let go of all the anxiety this problem is causing. At least I can still use my PC in the meantime. I'm just waiting for my dad to reformat this for me today. (Note: done reformatting! YATTA!)

Speaking of fun afternoons, yesterday was another blast. And since I'm writing about it in my LJ right now I shall just post the link here so you can read about it over there. I've suddenly gotten particularly lazy.

Click HERE

Not related to any of this but Heroes Season 2 Episode 1 & 2 ROCKS!!!

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