Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Little Boredom Never Killed Anyone

I'll miss my routine. Waking up at 5:45 a.m. (I'm officially an early bird), taking a 15 minute walk, having oatmeal for breakfast while watching Ouran High School Host Club, reading the paper until 8 in the morning and then proceeding to the various activities I have lined up for my day.

That would include checking my Livejournal inbox, my Google and Yahoo mail, visiting a couple of blogs, visiting Multiply, Friendster, reading a few stuff, visiting Deviantart (I might have another story up by tomorrow), a little cleaning (because I get too lazy if I do it in one burst), some writing (like the story I just plugged), and of course there's my fangirling (Arashi is serious crack and serious therapy for me).

The fangirling won't definitely stop but having carefree days is something I would be missing. Christmas break is around the corner but then I know by that time I'd be preoccupied and drained by school work. I will not dwell in the negativity though. There is no place in my life for that right now. Besides it is so bright and sunny outside, I'd rather be infected by the happiness it brings.

I'm easily distracted. Routines bore me. The feeling of doing something repetitive drags me down. But my sem break made me appreciate my routine. I still feel a little bored but once I get into the flow of things I tend to forget about it (my boredom I mean).

I'm annoyed by people who say they're bored. There are so many things to do out there how can one person be bored? Boredom should be a signal for people to try to do something new. Think of it as an internal alarm clock that goes "Oops maybe it's time to do something else." Now wouldn't that make things interesting?

Friday, October 26, 2007

On Vacation Mode And Leaving Everything Behind

I've kind of neglected this place. I'm on sembreak right now so my mind is in my fandom. I have nothing to rant and rave or complain about for that matter (Actually I do but the situation is out of my hands so I'd rather not talk about it...) Such a boring person right? HAHA

I got my schedule three days ago after one hell of an enrollment (trying standing in line for four hours... it's absolutely NO FUN) and I found out I only have 3 days of classes. *happy dance* But... those three days would be jam packed. On Mondays I have a 9-12 PM, 3-6 PM and 6-9 PM class. On Wednesdays I have an 8-11 AM, 3-6 PM and 6-9 PM class. And on Thursdays I have a 1-4 PM class. My Political Dynamics class doesn't have a schedule yet but I do wish it would be on Thursday too since I only have one class that day.

I won't be doing much "journalistic writing" this semester but who knows really the professors always use the "you're journalists so you should write" lines on us. My subjects this semester include Art Appreciation, Retorika, Political Dynamics, Layouting & Copy Reading, Photo Journalism, Intermediate Spanish, Research for Major Fields (preparation for Thesis GAAH!)... I forgot my other subject. Anyway, it would seem like another interesting and hard semester. But I won't be thinking about that right now because I'm on vacation mode. ^^

Yesterday my dad and brother were talking about the migration thing. My kuya's graduating next year and they've started talking about his imminent move to Australia (I'm next). If all goes well, he could be out of the country by the end of next year. It seems so close doesn't it? I feel my own migration looming over my head. But it doesn't scare me anymore. I actually want to move. Have you felt that way? Like you just want to get away from everything. I want to start my life over.

I was so adamant when it came to this topic. My parents have always wanted to leave the country ever since I was still in high school. They wanted a better future for us. And being the stubborn and idealistic little girl I was thinking of ways to get out of it. I wanted to stay. I wanted to make my dreams come true. But what happens when your priorities shift? Because mine did. It shifted A LOT. And now I can't wait to get out of here.

Am I being cruel? Am I not nationalistic? The brain drain in this country is making people choose between two supposed ideals. One is staying and fighting while the other is being a coward and choosing the easy way out. Is that really how it is? When you leave your birthplace are you really turning your back on it? I would like to think it isn't like that. We all want better lives for ourselves don't we? If it means that we have to leave the comforts of our own homes, then that should be a sacrifice we have to make right?

I would be leaving so much behind. I'll be leaving a lot of people I love. And I'm honestly not good with saying goodbye. But this time I really want to see what's out there. If I were given a chance to leave tomorrow, I certainly would. But I have to wait for my turn right now. The me of yesteryears would be so terrified with what I just wrote down here now.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bugged PCs and Fangirl Afternoons

My PC got the stupid Yahoo Messenger worm. The one that sends incoherent stuff to other people on your messenger list. That's it. I'm through using YM. Thank God MSN Messenger let's me access my contacts. You people would get to see me with that. I do not want to reformat my PC again after this.

It is a good and sunny day today though. Perfect day for relaxing. I'll just let go of all the anxiety this problem is causing. At least I can still use my PC in the meantime. I'm just waiting for my dad to reformat this for me today. (Note: done reformatting! YATTA!)

Speaking of fun afternoons, yesterday was another blast. And since I'm writing about it in my LJ right now I shall just post the link here so you can read about it over there. I've suddenly gotten particularly lazy.

Click HERE

Not related to any of this but Heroes Season 2 Episode 1 & 2 ROCKS!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's Almost Over

Technically we still have two projects to pass before the semester is over but at the moment I have nothing to do. I'm already in vacation mode.

You see... the magazine project we're supposed to submit on Saturday for our Information Technology in the Newsroom class is set for printing today. As for the newspaper for our Newspaper Practice and Management class, I'm waiting for Karla to finish the layout then we're going to have that printed.I got home awhile ago from submitting the Filipino storybook. That's one more thing done.

I have to start cleaning now. And I realized how many papers I have accumulated over the semester. This has been one HELL of a semester. The emphasis is on the HELL part. I have no idea how I managed to come out of it alive and kicking.

I have been waiting for this really. A vacation... one that I'm going to spend on... *cough*fangirling*cough* well... I should come up with "projects" to do. Maybe I should finally learn Japanese ne?

I have to clean first... everything. I cannot believe its almost over. And with no school work left to do I'm actually at a loss... such a fickle person I know. But I'm not complaining. I'm just surprised because finally it's here. What I've been waiting for all these months is here already.

As for projects...

Well I should continue trying to learn the ropes of a couple of things:

1. Photoshop CS3
2. In Design
3. Pagemaker (for old time's sake)

I should... finally begin my Japanese lessons. Yes, I'm going to learn it on my own. Let's see how "smart" I really am. HA! I should continue trying to learn my Spanish as well... hmmm...

Of course... the best thing about this is. Yes I can fangirl freely now without the guilt! YATTA! HAHA No more school to boggle me down.

I just love sem breaks.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Ranting Fangirls And Sleepless Nights

This took place this early in the morning. I have a lot more interesting conversations with Apa but I'll reserve those for another day when I actually have more time to pore over them and just laugh my head off. It's 6.45 in the morning in this happened around 5.45. Such early birds aren't we?

apatots_26: nicole. baka ma-late ako ng punta jan. kagigising ko lang eh. (I might be late in coming over there. I just woke up)
nikki080488: ok lang (that's ok)
nikki080488: hapon pa naman pasahan (the passing of the paper would be in the afternoon)
nikki080488: good morning
nikki080488: hehe
apatots_26: yehey! inaantok pa kasi ako eh. (I'm still sleepy)
nikki080488: gising na gising na ko... jeez i'm turning into a morning person (I'm wide awake)
apatots_26: that's probably . . . .not good.. hehee..
nikki080488: a really really early morning person... i've been up since 3.30
apatots_26: huaaaaaaat?
nikki080488: or i could just be turning into an insomniac
apatots_26: i'm a morning person pero (but) i get up at 6.00 or so,....
apatots_26: insomniac...
apatots_26: ka na. (you're an insomniac)
apatots_26: you miss your pc too much.
nikki080488: or i could just be a workaholic... i guess it's a little of both... and yes i do miss my pc a lot
apatots_26: wait lang cr lang ako. (wait i'm going to the bathroom)
nikki080488: go
apatots_26: hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaay.. she-Et.. gusto ko namang manood ng DVD... (I want to watch DVDs)
apatots_26: ayoko na laging nasa pc nagttype.... (I don't like being in front of the pc and just typing)
nikki080488: hay ang dami ko na din gusto panoorin... (I want to watch a lot of things too)
apatots_26: kaya nga eh.... it's either dvd or fangirling.. hehe. (I know / I agree)
nikki080488: hehe
apatots_26: wait lang.... edit ko lang tong commentary ni ge. (wait, I'm just editing ge's commentary)
nikki080488: hehe yung kay meg inedit ko din (I'm editing meg's as well)
nikki080488: hehe
apatots_26: naloloko na ko wala pa kong commentary.. (I'm going crazy, I still don't have a commentary)
apatots_26: hehe.
nikki080488: ako din (me too)
nikki080488: ako din (me too)
nikki080488: :))
apatots_26: yey! yey!

I do not want to edit another article for the rest of my life. Okay now that would be a problem because I want to be an editor for a magazine someday. XD Stress... stress... stress... let it be Thursday already. Let all of this be over. I want my eyes to return to their normal size (i.e. no longer bloodshot and itchy from staring at the computer screen all day), my sleeping habits to return to normal (I need my 8 hours of sleep!), my desk to be clean because right now it's swimming under piles of papers and yes I want to fangirl!

Here's another conversation about an hour ago. It's 8.30 already. We're a crazy pair I have to say

Apa: nicole check mo toh. nakakaloko si ohno... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTL5uV_kB
IU (nicole check this out... ohno looks crazy)
Nicole: sige (ok)
Nicole: yung audience tawa ng tawa dun sa "girl version" ni ohno (the audience were laughing so hard at the "girl version" of ohno)
Apa: kaya nga eh.. mejo disturbing siya pero nakakatawa... (I know... a little disturbing but very funny)
Apa: parang gago yang si ohno jan.. (ohno looks stupid there)
Nicole: hahaha
Apa: diba? parang gago.. lasing tapos biglang sasayaw. (doesn't he? he's drunk then he suddenly goes dancing)
Nicole: hehe
Nicole: kakkoi
Apa: galeng shet! (great... shit!)
Nicole: as always
Nicole: ang galeeeennnngg (so goooood)
Nicole: hehe
Apa: siyempre!!!!!! hehehe. (of course!)
Apa: talang ayaw magpahuli eh no, nanood pa rin ng ohno dance... (I really don't want to be left behind... I'm still watching ohno dance)
Nicole: pagkatapos mo ko pagalitan kagabi (After you got mad at me last night)
Apa: hahaha!!! eh siempre... sabi ko... hmmm.. ako kaya... (of course... i said... hmmm... I am...)
Nicole: ikaw kaya ano? (what do you I am?)
Apa: ako kaya pag nanood ako, pagagalitan rin ba ako ni nicole? (What if I watched would Nicole get mad at me?)
Apa: hindi siguro, ako lang mg crush jan eh. (Probably not because I'm the one with the crush on him)
Apa: hehe
Apa: may nadiskubre ako sa'yo.. gusto mo yung magaganda yung buhok.... (I discovered something about you. You like guys who have nice hair)
Nicole: ano? sino? (what? who?)
Apa: ikaw.... si jun, maganda ang buhok.. si aiba rin... si nino rin.. si tom rin... (you... there's jun, who has nice hair... aiba as well... nino as well... tom as well) - tom's not an actor he's a crush I have in school <3
Nicole: it's all about the hair
Apa: si nikki panga.. si edree weird, ikaw buhok ako old guys that look young... si tets MAMA ang gusto... (nikki likes jaws... edree has wierd taste... you like hair... I prefer old guys who look young... tets likes scary looking guys (i.e. gangster looking))
Nicole: don't remind me napilitan akong tumigil kagabi habang nagbabasa ng iliad dahil yung solo na ni aiba (don't remind I was stopped from reading the Iliad because it was Aiba's solo that I heard)
Apa: hala! nako. o sige. hehe (oh no! okay...)

She loves Ohno. She's one of my few friends that I got into Arashi. XD She's absolutey gaga over Riida and Sho... more on Riida but she's in love with Sho's hipbones... HAHAHA

You see I was watching the Iza Now concert with her and Meg last Thursday. But we weren't able to finish it because I wasn't done downloading the second part. Anyway... seeing Riida's solo in that concert made her fall in love with him more and she was chastising me for watching the concert last night (I had it playing in the background while I was editing articles). But I wasn't really watching it. I just wanted to hear their voices. But as I was saying above. I sort of stop midway through reading the Iliad because Aiba performed his solo... XD What can I say I get distracted easily by pretty things? LOL