Friday, September 14, 2007

This Is Absolutely Useless

Happy songs... sad songs... a bunch of random songs have been on repeat in my mp3 player. Since I'm in a rather contemplative mood (again) and I have a bit of spare time because my dad's reformatting my pc, I shall try to make sense of them (I don't know if I need to. But I want to anyway! HAHA).

Donna Kotoba De by Arashi
Everywhere I Go by Katharine McPhee
Still by Arashi
Snowflake by Arashi
Love Situation by Arashi
Be With You by Arashi
Life by Arashi
Cry For You by Arashi

Yes. Arashi continues to rule my brain. There music continues to flood my ears. It's genki. It's contagious and fun. The latest PV is CRACK. That's why we can't wait to make our own version. Right O-Bees? HAHA

Donna Kotoba De... been looking for english translations for this one. I can only sing to the lines I WANNA HOLD YOU BABY and BECAUSE I LOVE YOU BABY. And the beginning of the song I feel like I hear the words "suicidal" okay I know that's not true. Never mind me. Forget that last thing I said.

Everywhere I Go. I'm not heart broken but I just keep listening to this song. It annoys me. He wasn't man enough. For some reason I really like that line. No I'm not bitter. I do not have anyone to direct my bitterness towards because I'm in a happy place right now.

Still. I enjoy identifying who's singing what in their songs. I enjoy listening to this more than Happiness. Thanks to nyanchan over at livejournal for translating this into english. Now I enjoy it even more. I'll softly embrace the past without turning away anymore and I changed because there's no future from just waiting, because it won't start here. Such great words. I couldn't have said it better.

Snowflake. My Christmas song. I ABSOLUTELY love this one as well, nyanchan has been so kind to us and translated this as well.

no matter how many dreams die
even though it's fate that it will someday disappear
even if my footsteps are erased by white before long
I won't forget you

Love Situation. This song does something to me. I think it's partly because of the whole "chikazukitai" thing. Seriously. Jun gets one word. Out of the solo part he gets one word and it drives fangirls wild (include me there). Seriously dude. I still melt as I think of it.

Be With You. I love hearing the boys individually. This ballad's perfect for it.

all the sadness that's reflected in your eyes
why don't I wipe away that pain
the dreams that you deserted in the distant past
let's make them all come true

Can I just say SWOON? Kyaa!

Life. It really makes me see my own life in such a positive light. I have so many favorite lines from this song.

the me of now had a dream ten years ago
the me of now is going on unknowingly ten years later

how do you go about living
there isn't only one answer
the important thing is
the shape of our happiness
everyone is searching for that

saying it won't go as you plan
even times when it seems like it's breaking
we will surely
take each other's hands, therefore
it's okay, go forward believing

are you living for the sake of living
someday you'll look back on the time your mind matured
without waiting for miracles right now
toward the direction, the direction that sun's light is shining

I especially like the are you living for the sake of living line.

I have to stop myself from writing all the songs on the TIME album. Yes I love all their solos so I'll just leave it at that.


Is it true? Is this really happening? Has Nino been replaced by Aiba as my ichiban?! For some reason, I'm "perved" (yes my friend coined that term. She's perved by Sho. Hipbones dude hipbones WAHAHA) by Aiba. I've been extremely attracted to this guy for the past month or so. He's so cute so that doesn't help either. But no, I still love Nino. He even helped me get a the highest possible grade for a critical review. I did "Letters from Iwo Jima". Finally, my fangirling was put to good use. HA!

Cry For You. I really love this one because of the fact that Nino sings about Romeo and Juliet (I can hear a few people I know suddenly going HUWAAT?! You know who you are). I keep repeating the first part of the song because of that. HAHA

O-Bees love this song. I can still hear them going "Hashiri dase". I'm growing a little tired of it but I still love the message. I need all the positivity I can get. I have to thank Arashi and the lovely nyanchan again for that. Such wonderful words.

rather than sighing into the oncoming wind
if you imagine things going well then someday a time of change will come
when you live in a daze love will hurt you
through casual things, while hesistating you'll get back to your feet over and over
when you think about the contexts of your memories it's too lonely ne
because there's surely a bustling future waiting for you on the other side

It's all about romance and positivity isn't it? With a little twinge of heartbreak I guess but I've just allowed myself to listen to stuff that has me feeling all light and free. Because in the middle of all the chaos going on in my life, I found solace in their words.

I had to end it on a serious note didn't I? LOL

Friday, September 7, 2007

I Came From...?

In the middle of all the deadlines (as Apa puts it they're designed to kill), the random thought of my place of origin seemed to pop into my mind.

I'm a Filipina through and through (I have a Chinese sounding middle name and yes I do look Chinese but my mom and her family are Filipinos through and through already, do not be fooled by my looks). I was born, raised and currently residing in Quezon City. I still live in the house where I grew up in. None of those things changed.

What I'm talking about is my psychological place of origin (if there ever were such a thing). I'm one of those people who believe that I was born in the wrong country. I'm born in the right period, just the wrong place. And with the whole Japanese invasion going on in my life right now, I wish nothing more than to be living in Japan. But that's beside the point now is it not?!

I don't know if it was because I was raised by a bourgeoisie father who really loves criticizing the abundance of idiocy in this country. That must have been a big factor. I was taught English. I spoke English as a child. I knew the word inverted when I was about three years old. As to where I got that... my parents have no idea.

I had Western sensibilities ingrained in me. I only watched Western shows and movies, anything local was just too cheesy for my taste. I did not feel like I was left out though with the whole local scene, I mean. I just did not care for it that much and I'm still not that fond of it right now, the mainstream stuff I mean.

As a child, I imagined growing up in America. It was all those shows I've been watching. I wished more than anything that I really did grow up there but those wishes of course couldn't come true because I'm here in this horrendously hot country. I love tropical weather but I'm not enjoying it that much today. Jeez... it's supposed to be the rainy season.

I still feel slightly misplaced in this culture. There are moments when I ask myself where I actually should have come from. But those things I know I have no control over. I just cope with the best of my abilities.

I have an identity I just know it but sometimes I wonder where it is.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Metrosexual: young straight stylish urban man: a young, straight, sensitive urban man who is unashamed to enjoy good clothes, stylish living, the art of decorating, and improving his personal appearance (informal)

Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Apa pointed out a few days ago that I was into metrosexual men. Let's put that into context. We were watching an Arashi clip when they stopped by last Friday or was that Thursday? It always seems to rain when Apa comes over... HAHA

Anyway, we were talking about MatsuJun (Jun Matsumoto). She knows I like the guy. She knows I LOVE Nino... LOL Okay I keep getting sidetracked, this is like me watching Letters From Iwo Jima earlier today and when Ohmiya came up (out of Nino's mouth nonetheless) the fangirl in me couldn't resist but squeal.

As I said, she pointed it out that I was into the metrosexual type. My response to that was something like: "You're right. I'm not really into bad boys..." I like my boys clean. HAHA I'm not really into the whole scruffy thing. I love the sweet, boy-next-door types. Metrosexuals? Probably. I have pictures to support my "type", if that's what we're calling it anyway.

Exhibit A: Jun Matsumoto

Since we were talking about him, MatsuJun might as well be the first one on the list. This guy changes his hair so many times. It's crazy! He rocks it though. I believe he's the epitome of metrosexuality and I still love him for that. Yes, Jun-bait was rather effective wasn't it?!

Exhibit B: Orlando Bloom

I guess you can classify Orli as a metrosexual? Hmm... let me think about that. He's probably the only scruffy guy I like. He's the sexiest scruffy guy I know. HAHA Or I'm just being one hundred percent biased on this. I love the way he dresses. There's something so no nonsense about it. It helps that he's hot though.

Exhibit C: Masaki Aiba

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Now here's the most adorable person I've seen! Yes I want him!!! I have grown an insane crush on Aiba. He's so sexy these days. His silliness works for me. Plus he's looking so fine these days.

Exhibit D: Toma Ikuta

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He reminds me of a bird sometimes (sorry Nikki!) but he sure is fine. Yes people Hana Kimi and Nakatsu fever. Poor guy... Mizuki's going to break his heart, I just know it! Toma's an amazing actor. I admire him a lot for that. He is easy on the eyes which is a definite plus.

Exhibit E: Hiro Mizushima

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At first, I did not want to admit that he looks like MatsuJun. But he does. And he's just as fine. Nanba-senpai rocks!

Exhibit F: Kazunari Ninomiya

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Of course I had to save the best for last. Still reeling from my Iwo Jima experience this morning. Still imagining Nino as a father... aww... look at him trying to look all grown up with some stubble... gaah! Such a cutie! He has the ultimate look of a boy-next-door but has such a sharp and sarcastic tongue that it's well... surprising. Got to love Arashi's emo boy: Nino. He's my ichiban afterall.

I made an exception for Orlando Bloom didn't I? All of these examples are Japanese boys... yes my vocabulary is rather limited when I fangirl. I "stalk" people according to Mae. Well I wouldn't mind stalking any of these guys any day. Jeez... sounds so wrong doesn't it?!

Hmmm... now what was I supposed to be talking about in this post. Got a little err... distracted. Oh right. Metrosexuals... probably. I might really like them. Who cares if they dress a little more flashier than I do. At least they care enough about their looks. I like my guys clean... clean but not conceited. I think Japanese men, especially these idols do have to be rather metrosexual. Jun definitely brought that home with him.

I love this post. It gave me a chance to bask in the beauty of these guys... was I just looking for an excuse to picspam though? That's up to you to figure out.