Saturday, November 10, 2007

Moving On

I'm moving... well my blog is anyway. Well not my blog. I am... or my thoughts are. Okay I'm rambling again. What I'm trying to say is I won't be posting here anymore. To those who have been following this blog (although I have no idea if there is anyone following this blog) I shall be moving to my livejournal account:

I realized how I can't separate my fangirling from my RL (real life) because it has tangled up quite nicely. I'm at another turning point in my life right now. It seems rather cheesy but fangirling means so much more to me at the moment. And I'm enjoying it so much.

I'm just moving on to another phase of my life (and to think I just moved in here a few months ago... oh well). Hope to see you there!

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